Freiburg, Germany
June 11-16, 2011
21st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling

Submission Procedure (Deadline Expired)

Quick facts

Submission page http//
Abstracts deadline Friday, November 19, 2010, anywhere in the world (23:59 UTC-12)
Papers deadline Monday, November 29, 2010, anywhere in the world (23:59 UTC-12)
Paper format PDF, 8 pages (full papers) or 4 pages (short papers), AAAI style
Author information Anonymous submissions, i.e., any information regarding authors removed


Note: This page is about how to submit a paper. For information on the goals and topics of the conference, author and reviewer guidelines etc., please refer to the call for papers.

Paper submission is through the ICAPS 2011 EasyChair web site. To submit a paper, login to the ICAPS 2011 EasyChair page as "Author", and click on "New Submission". You will be prompted to enter the administrative data about the paper, in particular the names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors.

You then need to enter (A) the paper title and abstract, (B) its category, (C) its groups, (D) its keywords, and (E) its topics. Possible categories for (B) are full technical papers (up to 8 pages) or short papers (up to 4 pages). Possible groups for (C) include "student papers" where the main author is a student (these are eligible for the Best Student Paper award) and papers for which a demo can be presented at the conference, in which case the reviewers can decide to fast-track the paper for the ICAPS 2011 demo program, meaning that the authors will not have to prepare an additional technical abstract for a demo submission. Papers may belong to zero, one, or both of these groups. To facilitate the reviewer assignment process, please select at least three meaningful keywords for (D) and all topics that apply for (E).

Like for previous ICAPS conferences, paper submission is anonymous, i.e., the reviewers will not be aware of the names of the authors. For this purpose, the author information on the title page must be removed. We recommend to replace it with the tracking number of the submission. Further, as usual, remove any explicit author references in the text, and refer to your any cited own previous work as if it was the work of somebody else.

Paper submission is in PDF only. To submit only an abstract, you may tick a box provided for this purpose. Abstracts must be submitted by 19 November 2010. Papers must be submitted by 29 November 2010. All ICAPS deadlines refer to 23:59 in the UTC-12 time zone. (So if there is still some place in the world where the deadline has not yet passed, you are on time.)

In between the abstract and paper deadlines, paper information (including the paper PDF) may be updated as often as wished. We discourage authors from changing the abstract and title after the initial submission, because that would significantly impede the paper bidding and reviewer assignment phases, which are also scheduled to occur between the two deadlines.

Submissions must be in AAAI format. Refer to the author instructions on the AAAI web site for detailed formatting instructions and LaTeX style files. Final papers will be in the same format. The proceedings will be published by AAAI Press.